Barack Obama
First, President Barack Obama stated, his illegal invasion of Libya, to oust President Muammar Gadhafi, would be a military maneuver that would only last a few days, which skeptics doubted, given Washington's history in this regard (see war in Iraq). Then days later, the world found out from U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, the war in Libya will last months (at least), not days, as Obama had stated. The President lied.
The war in Libya will cost the U.S. taxpayers $2 billion dollars per month, while America struggles under the weight of an unprecedented financial depression that has not gone away, due to poor government planning. If the U.S. government wages war in Libya for even 6 months, that's $12 billion dollars down the drain. Do you know how many jobs could be created in America with $12 billion dollars.
This is exactly how the war in Iraq got started. The President (George W. Bush) lied to the American people and the world about going into Iraq to oust its lawful leader and liberate the people, in a deceitful war that has lasted 8 years, cost thousands of soldiers their lives, with over a million civilians dead and four million more displaced to other nations, such as Syria.
Libya and Iraq also have two other things in common the CIA and DOD are after like drug addicts to cocaine. Both are oil rich Muslim nations, which means killing two birds with one stone. Get the oil and murder the Muslim extremists is said agencies' mantra.

Muammar Gadhafi
One month ago, before the U.S. invasion, the Judiciary Report warned of the dangers of toppling Gadhafi. The site does not agree with Gadhafi or his policies, as illustrated in articles over the past two years, but when one unseats such a dictator, with close ties to terrorists, you have to realize that's who may take over in his stead.
A month after the Judiciary Report published the aforementioned point (Poll: Most Believe Obama Is Handling Libya In The Wrong Way and The Obama Administration's Hand In The Arab World Uprisings), it was announced two days ago in The Telegraph newspaper, the Libyan rebels the U.S. government and its allies are assisting in the region, are AL QAEDA members. The lead rebel admitted it in the paper.
I ask you the public, do you want Al Qaeda, a known terrorist organization, running a country of 6,500,000 people with billions of dollars in oil reserves. They'd never have to worry about financing another terrorist attack on the West. According to reports, Al Qaeda have already stolen missiles in Libya, since Gadhafi went into hiding a week ago.
Does Washington really believe they can control fanatical Al Qaeda and its supporters in the Middle East and Africa. If they can, they have some explaining to do. This invasion is so disappointing on many levels. It is not worse than what Bush has done, but has the potential of getting there.
In reading Twitter, one senses the disappointment from Muslims all over the world, who keep repeating the exact same claim, displaying their disbelief and anger that "another U.S. President" has invaded "a Muslim country." This cannot be good for international relations. It will spawn more fanaticism and hate, as seen with the war in Iraq.
On March 21, 2011 the Judiciary Report stated of Obama's war in Libya, "This is undoubtedly a repeat of Iraq and it shall not end well." Yesterday, March 28, 2011, President Obama stated, "Libya is no Iraq." Well, it sure looks like it.
Obama To Address America On Illegal War In Libya
Obama Administration Announces The Next Deceitful Term For War
Obama Says He Is Not Giving Up His Nobel Peace Prize
Obama Costing Americans Billions With War In Libya
Obama Illegally Invades Libya, Thousands Dead...
American Anti-War Protestors Turn Up The Heat On Obama And The FBI
Barack Obama Booed In Brazil As Protests Erupt Over Visit
Poll: Most Believe Obama Is Handling Libya In The Wrong Way
Obama Criticized For His Handling Of The Middle East
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
'Al-Qaeda snatched missiles' in Libya
US officials: Libyan operation could last months
War Against Libya Constitutionally Illegal; Obama Now Impeachable