Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:38 PM
    I wish Expos� would have been in iOS 4. I really don't like the current multitasking option.

    I like it on my iPad but expose would have been much better.

    Also, using gestures would make much more sense with expose; plus I think its a better experience overall. :)

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  • volk
    Oct 27, 02:37 PM
    We all know that this is just Adobe's Revenge for Apple stepping on its e-Toes with items like Final Cut Studio which for all practical purposes smacks down anything that Adobe can muster up, and for Aperature, which is not as good as it could be, but is still in the realm that Adobe used to dominate. On the audio front, I hope that this costs a lot less than Logic Express because if it's not 50% or more cheaper, this horse is dead before it leaves the gate. I mean, Logic is already cheaper than Audition, and for my money, LE does a bit more than Audition (granted I don't come even close to using the full capabilities of LE).

    So maybe Soundbooth is just here to compete with Soundtrack, which is kind of dumb, as no one will be using Soundbooth on a Mac since soundbooth will not integrate with FCS the way that Soundtrack does. The more I write about it, the dumber releasing this app for the Mac sounds. I mean. . . Adobe dropped Premiere for the mac because FCP smoked it, but now they want to release an audio app for mac that probably only has a place in a Premiere workflow. Hell, maybe this is just a SoundEdit Deck 16 II!? WTF!? I'm leaving.

    I don't understand why anyone would slam a company for releasing a product for the Mac...competition is good, and the audio editor market isn't as healthy on the Mac as you think.

    This app isn't designed to compete with Soundtrack squares off against Soundtrack, Audacity, Amadeus, and Peak LE. Now, Peak is well respected, but I'm not sure seems very clunky to me. Audacity and Amadeus aren't bad, but they suffer from smaller toolsets, interface abnormalities and no video integration. Soundbooth would be a nice addition to this group.

    What I hope the most is that this is simply a test of the code base to bring Audition to the Mac...something that I think is desperately needed.

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  • Analog Kid
    Nov 22, 03:28 AM
    As a mechanical engineer, I'm not exactly cynical about this application of Eneco's technology, but I remain very, very skeptical. With such a relatively small temperature difference, I would say it is very unlikely that such a device would be economically feasible. A quick visit to Eneco's site shows me that they don't even have lab data for temperature differences of less than 100 deg C!

    They obfuscate the issue of efficiency by referring to the Carnot efficiency to inflate the numbers to the uninitiated. Sadi Carnot showed that an ideal heat engine that operated between two infinite reservoirs at temperatures, T(hot) and T(cold) would have an efficiency of ( T(hot)-T(cold) ) / T(hot), and the temperatures have to be on an absolute scale like Kelvin or Rankine. The "Carnot efficiency" compares the performance of the system in question to this ideal heat engine.

    Suppose you ran your chip at a very warm 90 deg C (363 K) and could dump the heat to your 25 deg C (298 K) room, your perfect efficiency would be about 18%! This means that for every 5W of heat you dissipate from the chip, you get a little less that 1 W of electric power. Something with an impressive-sounding 50% Carnot efficiency would really have a measly 9% real efficiency.

    Unless Eneco sells these things very cheaply and makes them very small, I can't see Apple going through the trouble and expense of adding them to their portables for such a small benefit in recycled power. I remain skeptical, yet open-minded.

    Finding efficiency data for temperatures below 100C would be important since the max junction temperature for most processors is below that. Power supply devices max out at about 150C. You just can't get hotter than that and expect silicon to function as a semiconductor.

    If the Intel chips burn 100W, then 9% conversion efficiency would generate 9W of electricity. In absolute terms, that's not too bad. You can do a lot with 9W. If you have a 5 hour battery life now, and can use these on all the major power sinks, you'd get 5.5 hours of battery life.

    (Those are big "if"s, but putting them in bold seemed a bit too cynical...)

    Interesting, but not earth shattering yet... If this became widespread though and we could cut world energy consumption by 10%-- that would be a big deal. Personally, I think there's more to be gained in cars (hotter and less efficient to begin with) than computers, but who knows.

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  • Big D 51
    Apr 29, 12:57 PM
    I wouldn't be surprised. They tax everything else.


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  • DoFoT9
    May 1, 06:18 AM
    let us know frame rates etc!

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  • akac
    Apr 17, 02:41 PM
    No. They are worse than the IBM caricature that they painted back in 1984.

    The good news is that Apple's iPhone OS won't be the dominating mobile platform for much longer. The sales numbers show that Android is quickly gaining momentum, and Google's marketplace is not censored at all and developers can choose whatever development tool they want to produce software for Android.

    They can also produce malware (as they have) as easily. And Android is much harder to develop for. And the sales are 1/100th of the same app on iPhone.

    We develop on nearly every mobile platform and the iPhone is the best for us. Not just because its fun to develop on, the APIs are great, the sales are great, but because frankly the entire thing is just a step above every other app store, platform, and company we've worked with in the last 10 years of the mobile space.

    When users try to get in the midst of what developers have to deal with, they only get a very filtered view that does not encapsulate the true view.

    Apple will soon fall back into that little niche where they came from. And they deserve it because of their megalomaniac behavior and arrogant attitude.

    I strongly doubt it. As a mobile developer for 10 years I've got a pretty good handle of how these markets work and have been right most of the time. Android has way more major issues for devs and users to deal with than Apple. Its just that Apple's gets the press.

    We develop for Android. I like Android compared to WinMobile. I like WebOS compared to WinMobile. But none of them compare to how much all of my engineers prefer developing on iPhone. And using the iPhone.

    The biggest reason why Android will not overtake the iPhone in app sales is that the iPhone is consistent in its OS revisions. Android's open-ness which is a strength is also its biggest weakness. As a developer its a small nightmare to test and develop for it because of so many unknowns.

    One day there may be more Android phones sold than iPhones, but app sales on the iPhone is still going to blow Android out the water.

    Look at Symbian and Windows Mobile. For years Windows Mobile's smartphone software outsold their Pocket PC 10-1, yet app sales were reversed with the Pocket PC users buying software 10-1 for smartphone. Symbian app sales are nearly non-existent yet it blows every current Smartphone out of the water for unit sales.

    Android's unit sales are 60k a day according to Google, yet software sales relative to iPhone shows that Android users simply don't buy apps at the same rate the iPhone users do.


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  • maflynn
    May 5, 01:37 PM
    The real question is why do people still buy Macs (in increasing numbers) in spite of this... hmmm... makes you wonder...

    Because more and more people are seeing that the hardware and software that apple produce is very good. Many people are willing to pay a premium for some items. there's also the coolness factor, apple used this quite adeptly with the iPods, iPhones and now Macs.

    Also as AppleScruff1 stated some people here cannot admit that for many people windows is a great solution for their needs.

    Not everyone needs a core i7 desktop to email their friends and family or check their facebook status. Simply put many people find windows to work out of the box without much fuss.

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  • iGary
    Sep 13, 07:12 AM
    So I am having my first surgical procedures in *looks at widget* 16 days, and the thing that scares me the most is the general anesthesia...

    I've looked at sites about it, but they don't walk through the whole procedures and what you feel like after etc...

    Is it all IV? Gas?

    What do you feel like when you come to?



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  • kingdonk
    Mar 17, 03:17 AM
    Whats this feature for? I don't know if it was in SL Server but its part of the mail settings and don't know if its for certification or for using apple's mobile me mail service for pushing mail to iOS devices.

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  • Grimace
    Nov 16, 09:32 PM
    One thing that is important to investors is the ranking of units shipped (in comparison to other companies.) Apple is currently 4th behind Gateway -- but VERY close!! Q4 2006 should bring Apple to the 3rd place for US shipments in America, behind Dell and HP. That will turn a lot of heads. Q3 Shipments (


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  • jonomo
    Apr 24, 09:23 PM
    Not sure what all the fuss is about the backlit keyboard... I don't think I ever found that feature to be useful on my MBP.. I guess if you type "pecking" style it's pretty useful..

    On the 11incher I would love to see:
    1. SD card slot
    2. 3G or 4G

    Otherwise some incremental improvements on memory, cpu, battery life, would all be great!

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  • ApplLover
    Apr 12, 07:45 PM
    I don't believe the stats. There is no way the Verizon model is more popular than the AT&T model.


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  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 12, 04:46 PM
    So, how do you define "racism in practice"?

    Is taking the seat next to a white over an asian racist?

    How about going to a black cashier instead of a white one?

    neither would qualify as far as the law is concerned. You're merely acting on your own prejudices in those cases. Typically the laws that exist are aimed to prevent you from depriving others of their rights as a citizen, and typically those laws exist only where there's a long history of that happening.

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  • spaceballl
    Jun 10, 12:40 PM
    this analyst needs to do better homework. the t-mobile 3g band isn't supported on any of the iphones, including the iphone 4.


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  • Watabou
    Apr 30, 05:02 PM
    No, you made his point because you went all defensive and fearful over Android.

    It's not any "harder" to use or figure than iOS. Heck, the iPhone has a 274 page user manual... So much for "intuitive".

    Huh?! I didn't think I got defensive over Android. I don't know how just stating Android was difficult to use translates to "I am defensive and fearful over Android".

    I just stated Android was difficult to use. That's similar to saying I like eating icecream out of the box rather than taking my time putting it in a bowl or a cone and then eating it. See what I'm saying? Now, some people may like the latter way but I much prefer iPhone's navigation, iPhone browser, perfect integration with iTunes, iCal, Mail and others, and the App Store to Android. That said, I do like a lot of the Android features, especially the notification bar that just amazed me.

    I use iPhone because I found it much intuitive to use. If you take my iPhone away and force me to use Android, will I enjoy it? No of course not but I won't be fearful of using it...geez.

    P.S. Android has over 300 pages of user manual. But that's beside the point right? ;)

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  • brucem91
    May 3, 01:56 PM
    Both my friend Cass and I are playing SC II on Late 2009 MBP 15", and we cannot get voice chat to work. I am running 10.6.3, he is running 10.5.8 (it's still .8, isnt it?)


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  • Squonk
    Sep 27, 10:30 AM
    I checked the update pace for Mac OS X 10.4.
    29/04/2005: 10.4.0
    17/05/2005: 10.4.1 (+ 18 days)
    12/07/2005: 10.4.2 (+ 26 days)
    31/10/2005: 10.4.3 (+ 111 days)
    11/01/2006: 10.4.4 (+ 72 days)
    14/02/2006: 10.4.5 (+ 34 days)
    03/04/2006: 10.4.6 (+ 48 days)
    27/06/2006: 10.4.7 (+ 85 days)
    27/09/2006 (today) + 92 days

    I'm such a geek for this kind of trivia! Thanks!!! :D

    Bring on the update!

    Bring on the Leopard!

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  • danielbriggs
    Nov 21, 04:50 PM
    This hits what I think is their main do you get these numbers down.

    A nearly 100C difference and the amps alone make this really a problem for basic consumer devices..

    Now on an industrial scale...

    If you want to power the temperature change yourself, you need a high current. But if you want to generate electricity from them, then just connect them into a circuit with out any powersupply i.e. stick a fan's power terminals on that, stick one side of the TEC on a hot chip or cup of tea etc. to setup the delta T. (temp difference) then the fan will start spinning!

    Dan :-)

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  • fyrefly
    Apr 20, 11:42 AM
    I'll second that, no intel 3000 will be entering my house
    And I doubt that there will be a backlit keyboard again. As I said in the last thread apple took it out for a reason not for fun

    And that reason was? Thinness? Cost? Do you have any evidence to back this up?

    I think it was simple economics - take out the BL keyboard to get the cost under $999 and keep the margins at 30%.

    However, as tech gets more mature, and the R&D Cost is recouped for the new design, I think they can re-add the BL Keyboard w/o sacrificing the $999 Price-point or the 30% margins.

    As you said, it wasn't just "for fun", but "for profit" and if they can maintain that profit, and return a marquee feature like the BL Keyboard, why not?

    Jun 17, 06:59 PM
    What do you mean?
    I mean your attempted joke about a newer version coming out by Christmas was a poor effort, and that further attempts could be better.

    Sep 27, 08:53 PM
    If LEOPARD doesnt arrive until spring...
    I frankly fail to see what the deal is with a possible 10.4.1x. I just dont see why people make such a big deal out of nothing. If it comes it comes, if it don't... well then.

    Waiting patiently :)

    Aug 19, 09:53 AM
    Doesn't appear to be working yet :/

    Sep 19, 05:17 PM

    if u use raid, u'll need to have a single disk with osx to boot from to be able to install the EFI firmware update!!

    the progression bar just appeared and i get the ok symbol after reboot, next is the smc update and then switching back to my fast raid :D

    shame though u need to go through all this hastle, really...

    Dec 27, 09:43 PM
    It is not like these thieves would be waiting til the holidays to use this info.

    You can't be serious. The Holiday season is when online fraud is at it's peak, especially in places like NYC.