Barack Obama: I am the President. I have executive powers. The Constitution does not apply to me!
Potential presidential candidates, Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, have something in common. They, like many in America, believe there is something behind President Barack Obama’s absolute refusal to present his original birth certificate. One must be born on U.S. shores to be President of the United States.
Credible witnesses have stated on television and in print, President Obama’s grandmother in Africa, said she witnessed his birth in Kenya. However, his late mother’s parents, placed notices in a local Hawaiian Newspaper to announce his birth. President Obama’s late father, was staunchly anti-West, which may have played a part in what transpired.
Sarah Palin: why's he hiding the birth certificate
President Obama has spent $2,000,000 in legal fees, to avoid presenting his original birth certificate, which is causing great doubt in the public as to where he was born. Why spend $2,000,000 in legal fees that could go towards one’s campaign promotion, instead of presenting an original birth certificate you’ve ad since birth. It just doesn’t make sense.
The Obama spin machine is out in full damage control mode, flooding the press with stories that imply anyone that dares question his citizenship is nuts. Some are even crying racism that this issue is being brought up and doing their best in the press to make it seem like a crazy idea.
Donald Trump
To do so is to state the U.S. Constitution is crazy, for requiring the nation’s President be born on domestic shores and present proof thereof. Even I as a black person, am a bit troubled regarding why President Obama won’t just present the original birth certificate and end this thing. What’s the big deal. Just release the original.
Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, stated regarding the issue, "There is something there that the president doesn’t want people to see on that birth certificate." Clearly.
In other news, President Obama's spokesperson, David Plouffe stated of Trump's potential presidential bid, "There is zero chance that Donald Trump would ever be hired by the American people to do this job.” That's funny, because it's the same thing that was said about Obama right before he ran for president.
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