Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If Obama Had Ended The Wars And Not Started Another One…

Most Of America's Financial And Social Problems Would Be Solved

Barack Obama: I wish I was out shooting hoops

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, initiated by President George W. Bush and perpetuated by current head of state, Barack Obama, have cost the U.S. taxpayers close to $2 TRILLION DOLLARS. Imagine if that money had been spent at home.

President Barack Obama has also started a war in the African nation of Libya, which has already cost the American taxpayer billions. If President Barack Obama had stopped former President Bush's wars in the Middle East and not initiated a new one in Libya, America would be so much stronger than it is today.

The job crisis would be solved. Business and exports would be plenty. Foreclosures would have plummeted, as more people would be working again and able to pay their mortgage. University scholarships would be plentiful, leading to a greater level of education and pay for Americans. The greater the level of education, the stronger and more innovative the work force.

But what do we have instead? Soldiers continue to die abroad, leaving their families grief-stricken. Americans are unemployed in great numbers. Home foreclosures are escalating. Banks continue to close. The national deficit continues to climb. Services for the poor and disabled continue to be mercilessly and drastically cut by the government to pay for more bombs to drop on people. I was hoping for more from the Obama presidency than this.


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